The DNA Genetics Technical Team visits
The week of March 19th Tom Rathje (Technical Director) and Emily Mauch (Geneticist) together with Andrimner’s team were visiting different producers in our country, to show them the benefits of the genetic program, Accugain,TM from DNA Genetics.
The main advantages are the traits included in the maternal lines, such as:
- MBW (Maternal Birth Weight) focusing on improving birth weight through the component that the female contributes.
- LP5 (Live pigs at day 5) which promotes birth weight, litter uniformity and piglet survival. All this translates into better utilization of the facilities and greater uniformity at the slaughterhouse.
In the case of boars, the Spanish producers were very interested in the Duroc from DNA, the leading boar in the American market , due to its excellent on-farm performance, and its carcass and meat quality. They also were very interested in incorporating loin depth and intramuscular fat traits in the breeding program.
During the week they also visited the genetic nucleus of DNA Genetics in Spain, Granja Levosaita, which had already done the first matings.
Also during DNA Genetics’ visit to Europe, they toured the multiplication farm that DNA has in Germany.
DNA Genetics and Andrimner continue their commitment to the Spanish market, offering the best products and the best service.